at the intersection of brands, media and culture

Posts Tagged ‘Rudy’s’

Consistency is Consistently Boring

In Branding, Brands, marketing, strategy on January 21, 2008 at 3:04 pm

Haircut at Rudy’s

Originally uploaded by |E|E|

Too many experience brands seem to submit to the idea of matching luggage. They believe that the environments have to look the same, that the products have to be the same and that everything right down to the “have a nice day” has to be the same. If things vary then they will either lose control of their brands or the customer will suddenly get confused, lose their capacity and stumble into walls. “But…I thought I was in Starbucks and now I’m so confused…”

Perhaps this is why I love new chains like Rudy’s barbershop that have popped up on the West Coast, (soon on it’s way to you New Yorkers) where each shop has it’s own identity, personality and flair. There are of course consistencies, but the most important one is that you are going to have a great experience. You will discover something new and that before you are out of the chair you will enter into their brand culture.