at the intersection of brands, media and culture

I Thought Customers Meant Business?

In Uncategorized on March 25, 2009 at 5:55 am


Originally uploaded by distillerymedia

Knee deep in work

In communications, Consumers, culture on March 4, 2009 at 7:18 am

This has been the theme from the last few weeks. However, on my cold walk to work I made a comittment that I would make a focused reentry into the blogosphere. And while my phone is filled with snapped pictures begging to be released from their iPhone purgatory, for now I deny their crys.

A while back I wrote a post about manufacturing authenticity which I still believe in as a last resort. But I came across two interesting posts this morning that made me consider the general lack of culture through which things are emerging.  The first is an interview from the newly discovered A Continuous Lean in which Mr. G. Bruce Boyer discusses Ivy League style and how it emerged from a class culture and came to signify it. He makes the assertion that today’s fashion is a mash-up but that it is all about costuming rather than authentic references.

Second link comes from Daily What and is a very authentic list of what it takes to be cool. I’m moving my way up the cool scale as we speak and I’m currently seeking individuals who can speak “European” so that I may learn from their skills.

Who spends money where?

In Uncategorized on February 24, 2009 at 12:08 pm

Hat tip to Good Magazine
Shout out to Jeffluence